Mother tongue professional translations: our productions process
The production process the Buroservice applies when carrying out translations can be summarised as follows: the client sends in the text to be translated (normally by e-mail or, rarely, on paper) with an indication of the required deadline.
After assessing the feasibility of the job, an estimate is prepared showing the expected cost of the translation and the time needed to carry it out. This estimate is sent to the client and work does not commence until it has been accepted and the job confirmed.
The work is then assigned to mother-tongue translators with specialist knowledge of the topic in question (financial, economic, legal, etc.), giving them a delivery deadline.
No one knows everything and it is normal to have doubts. For us, it is essential that translators express their doubts, so that they can be resolved by the reviewed (often with the clientís help), without hiding them or pretending that they donít exist. Having doubts about how a phrase should be interpreted is a sign of intelligence, not of incompetence. We submit all our translations to a scrupulous review, which is particularly rigorous in the case of new translators.
The reviewer writes comments to explain any errors committed by the translator or any preferences in terms of terminology or style.
The translator also receives the final version of the translation. It is obviously very important that he or she reads and digests these comments and the final version, as they represent a kind of on-the-job training, becoming the main source of on-going improvement and therefore a guarantee of quality.
Lastly, the work is returned to the client (again, usually by e-mail), with an indication of the final cost of the translation and any comments on it.